Patohia: Thermally Conductive Pad, Mo te Whakamahia Me Nga Hua e Pa Ana / E Pa ana: LUXEON LXK8-PWxx-0008,
Patohia: Thermally Conductive Pad, Mo te Whakamahia Me Nga Hua e Pa Ana / E Pa ana: LUXEON LXK8-PWxx-0012 and 0016,
Patohia: Thermally Conductive Pad, Mo te Whakamahia Me Nga Hua e Pa Ana / E Pa ana: LUXEON LXK8-PWxx-0024,
Patohia: Thermally Conductive Pad, Mo te Whakamahia Me Nga Hua e Pa Ana / E Pa ana: LED Star Board, Hanga: Star,
Patohia: Thermally Conductive Pad, Mo te Whakamahia Me Nga Hua e Pa Ana / E Pa ana: LUXEON LXK8-PWxx-0004,
Patohia: Thermally Conductive Pad, Mo te Whakamahia Me Nga Hua e Pa Ana / E Pa ana: LUXEON H14 and H24,
Patohia: Thermal Clad Board, Mo te Whakamahia Me Nga Hua e Pa Ana / E Pa ana: LUXEON LED Series, Hanga: Rectangular,
Patohia: Thermally Conductive Pad, Mo te Whakamahia Me Nga Hua e Pa Ana / E Pa ana: LED Square 25.4mm Board Module, Hanga: Square,
Patohia: Thermal Clad Board, Mo te Whakamahia Me Nga Hua e Pa Ana / E Pa ana: LUXEON LED Series, Hanga: Square,